Frightened Rabbit Frightened Rabbit - Off

We'll have no telephones here
Just a gentle mouth to a smitten ear
No technology here
Such heady chemistry can't be engineered
We'll use no binary code
No pixilated template to contain us both
Ignore the scurrying roads
We'll stay right here and want for nothing more

And as the earth eats itself, swallows us whole
We will set out ourselves and switch everything off

No machinery here
No chain smoking factories with their monotone sneer
There's no technology here
No damning indictments or digital sin
So can't we both disappear?
Run away and play dead like I did last year
We'll need nobody else at all
Sheltered and happy in our candlelit hole

As the earth eats itself, swallows us whole
We can lie here hidden, pull the wires from the wall
As the earth eats itself, swallows us whole
We will set out ourselves and switch everything off